Online launch - International Review of the Red Cross: Counterterrorism, Sanctions and War

Our expert panel in conversation on the interaction between international humanitarian law, counterterrorism measures and sanctions.
Over the past two decades, States and international organisations have increasingly relied on counterterrorism and sanctions measures to address threats to national and international peace and security, which presents both opportunities as a legitimate foreign policy tool, and challenges for humanitarian responses in contemporary crises.
The latest edition of the International Review of the Red Cross, "Counterterrorism, Sanctions and War" explores the interplay between counterterrorism (CT) measures, sanctions and international humanitarian law, considers their unintended effects on impartial humanitarian action, and examines potential ways forward.
In this online launch, Dr Helen Durham AO (Director of International Law and Policy, ICRC), Professor Ben Saul (Challis Chair of International Law, Sydney Law School) and Adrian Prouse (Head of International Humanitarian Programs, Australian Red Cross) discuss key themes, opportunities and challenges posed by CT and sanctions from a legal, policy and humanitarian perspective.
International Review of the Red Cross: Counterterrorism, sanctions and war from ICRC on Vimeo.